Book Preface

We live in an age where many believe science and religion are contradictory. However, in this work, we suggest this statement is a myth based on a lack of consistent and appropriate knowledge of the relationship between science and religion. To illuminate this lack of knowledge, we ask the question, “Are science and religion contradictory?”

There is a subtle but very important difference between the statement and the question. The difference hinges on the understanding that religion is based on a creator god—the Creator of both our physical universe and human spirituality. The question is incongruous with the statement. Those who profess the statement virtually eliminate you—the human—from the equation, for if science and religion contradict, there can be no continuity from the physical to the spiritual. Conversely, at the center of the question lies the hope and desire that there is an immortal, immaterial existence that will ultimately define you and your existence—your spirituality.

Belief in a creator god has been part of humankind throughout history. It is, despite the objections of some, a well-documented and scientifically supported truth. Yet with scientific advances, we humans display an ever-growing propensity for chasing after and trusting in a tangible, material existence while laying aside God as no longer relevant.

However, there is a strong case that every scientific discovery uncovers the handiwork of God rather than contradicting his existence. Is it time to update our scientific and spiritual perspectives to maintain a Creator God as part of our scientifically aware worldview? With so much division among humanity, perhaps there is hope to reunite if we can first unite our science with our religion—uniting the spirits of all humanity, which are constrained by a material world. To such a task, a scientifically based spiritual revival is this work dedicated.

Our scientifically based spiritual revival is more than just a correlation of biblical passages to scientific discoveries, showing the compatibility of science and religion. Our model fully integrates science and the Bible in a synergy that reveals the complementary and interdependent world of the material and immaterial. We begin in a scientific fashion via a hypothesis—a tentative assumption made to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences.

Our hypothesis is: With an appropriate mental construct (a model), we can show science and religion to be entirely complementary and interdependent.

An underlying assumption in our hypothesis is: If God created the universe, then science should allow us to discern his presence in nature. Furthermore, in discerning his presence in nature, we see his grandeur, and he teaches us about our physical and spiritual existence.

We draw upon both scientific and biblical knowledge to build our model. The model presents new terminology and concepts and challenges you to view your existence in new ways. With the model in-hand, you—the most discerning “instrument” ever created, complete with logic, intellect, etc.—will be used to test its accuracy and relevance. The author contends that humanity, as part of God’s creation, is the critical factor in scientific discovery and, indeed, reality.

The model accounts for it all, both material and immaterial, and it facilitates consideration of some incredible implications and applications dealing with our existence. Also, the model leads to some appropriate and enlightening predictions.

With an understanding of the model, the reader should be fully equipped to answer the question in the negative—science and religion are not contradictory. Not only will the myth be dispelled, but the reader should greatly appreciate that life—as a creation of God—has a purpose, and there is hope for an existence beyond the material world.

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