Unveiling a Continuum of Science and the Bible

The Model of Everything—A Divine Universe


A Simple and Unique Model that

Uses Scientific and Biblical Knowledge to

Develop Radically New Concepts of Human Existence to

Define Purpose in Life and a Spiritual Eternal Hope

Why You Should Read This Book

A Book with Eternal Purpose

This book is published to provide every person (you) a perspective on creation that gives hope through faith in the reality of physical and spiritual existence as divinely revealed in both science and religion.

  • Are you interested in creation?
  • Do you wonder about meaning in life—your purpose in life?
  • Do you question where you should turn for answers—should it be science or religion?
  • Are you uncertain about the relationship between science and religion?
If so, you are not alone. In a survey, 71% of respondents considered science and religion to be contradictory or were not sure. In the survey, 74% of respondents expressed interest in new ideas about the relationship between science and religion.

Do any of the above questions ring true for you? Read the book! It presents new ideas with specific details and a perspective that establishes science and religion as complementary and interdependent sources for your answers.

Whether your worldview is theistic (you believe in the existence of God), agnostic (impossible to know), or atheistic (devoid of any god), the concepts developed in this book will provide a new perspective on creation, humanity, and spirituality. Read the book!


Are science and religion contradictory?

As you read through the development of the model—and participate in the development—you will discover a new perspective for answering this question. Both science and religion have their strengths and shortfalls. However, when properly integrated, the synergy reveals a new understanding of human existence. The model provides an integrated worldview based on valid science and biblical knowledge.


Is "the model of everything" the same as "the theory of everything"?

No. In the introduction to the book, we discuss the subtle but significant difference between a “model” and a “theory.” But of critical note, the model of everything does account for everything.


How does the book define religion?

In the book, religion is defined as: “Your attitude toward existence, you believe in certain things and put your faith in the hope that they are true.” This definition of religion is broad and does not associate with institutional religions. Thus, the model uses the Bible not as a specific institutional religion but as a source document for integrating science and religion.


Does the model address universal (or world) religions?

The model was developed based on nature (as revealed via science) and the Bible. With the Bible as a source document, the model applies to all creation and humanity, regardless of a person’s religion.


What is wrong with the Big Bang theory of creation?

Nothing. One of the model’s guiding premises is that it must accept all valid science—the big bang theory works well for the material world. But, do you believe you have a spiritual (immaterial) existence? The model developed in this book incorporates humanity’s immaterial existence and, thus, addresses the totality of our existence.

The Author

Ralph Brown

Ralph Brown

Ralph Brown is passionately curious about the origin of the world in which we live and the purpose of life in this world. Like each of you, he has God-given gifts and talents and a lifetime of experiences. This experience includes academic degrees in mathematics and space operations and 21 years as a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot. Ralph is a lifetime student of science and is continually amazed at the discoveries and subsequent knowledge provided through scientific discoveries. His religious beliefs—including belief in the Bible—underlie his approach to the study of creation. This combination of scientific and biblical exploration demanded an explanation of creation that could account for the totality of his existence and uniquely positioned him to develop the model in this book. The commentary Ralph presents in this work is a cumulation of a lifetime of experience and twenty years of study, research, and contemplation about the creation of our universe and the purpose of humanity.

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